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How To Deal With Rejection And Get Over It Fast

How to deal with rejection and get over it fast? How to deal with the heartbreak of not getting what we want? How to deal with the hurt feelings? Here are some tips on how to deal with rejection and get over it fast.

First, let us understand how the feeling of being rejected actually works. When someone rejects our wishes, we feel hurt and rejected. We are the one who has rejected the other person. Rejected in a sense that he or she did not like ourselves or our desires, even if we really do mean well. What does this mean? Read More

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What Are Casual Relationships?

Casual relationships are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to fling-and-flashing relationships. They can also be seen as a replacement for flings because they lack the baggage of being sexual. Casual dating or a casual intimate relationship is a non-sexual, usually casual relationship between two individuals who might have very casual sex or at least a very close emotional connection without necessarily expecting or requiring the same kinds of commitments as a more traditional romantic relationship. Casual relationships range in their length and in what they include. Some types of casual relationships include: Read More